
Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ten tips to reduce your dog’s carbon pawprint!

There are several things you can do to help your dog reduce his carbon pawprint. There are so many ways to reduce waste and re-use items that you use for your pup. Spending a lot of money is not necessary; you can find many ways to be green without spending a lot of green!

1.       Reduce waste before it happens. The best way to reduce your pups waste is to stop it before it happens. When you are about to buy something for your dog, consider the packaging. Is there another comparable product that has less packaging?  Is the package at least made from recycled materials? Could you possibly reuse the packaging for something else?
2.       Buy products made from recycled items. Now days there are tons of dog toys, beds, clothes and much more all made from recyclable materials. Collars made from bamboo, dog beds made from hemp and even dog bowls made from rice husk, are just a few to give you an idea of what is available. Even better, recycle your own stuff and make a tug toy out of an old towel or turn that old sweater of your s into your dogs newest fashion! If you’re not big on sewing you can still make some cool toys with very basic crafting know how and if you have kids they would love to make toys for your dog out of scrap fabric or old tee shirts.
3.       Buy items that last longer. If you just can’t find that special toy for your dog made from recycled materials, spend a few extra bucks to get the good one. A well made toy that will last much longer is a better investment for you and will also reduce the amount of waste you add to the landfills.
4.       Donate your old items to a local shelter or dog rescue. Your dogs’ old collar can still be used by the dogs at the shelter, and they will be happy to get it. You can also donate other items as well. Most shelters are in need of blankets, newspapers, leashes and dog food. Contact your local shelter and I am sure they will be more than happy to tell you what they need.
5.       Consider composting your dogs’ poo. I know this doesn’t sound like fun but all dogs poo and it must be dealt with! There are specially made composters for this, you just put it in the ground and when you pick up after your dog you drop it in, along with some special enzymes that help it decompose. You can find an article here that tells you how to make a dog waste composter step by step.
6.       Skip the chemical baths. Instead of using chemicals to clean up your pet opt for all natural biodegradable cleaners. You can even keep it simple and use a mixture of vinegar and water. If the thought of a vinegar smelling dog doesn’t entice you there are a great variety of shampoos and soaps made of all natural ingredients. You will even be able to find some especially made to calm your dog, or repel fleas.
7.       Make your own dog treats. There are several websites that have recipes for homemade dog treats that use ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen. Check out  you will find tons of free recipes to get you started. Not only do you save a trip to the store you won’t have any packaging to throw out, and your dog will love you for it!
8.       Let your dog take you out! Get out and play with your dog, turn off the computer and throw a ball for your pup pal. Instead of driving to the dog park, consider taking a stroll around the neighborhood. Save energy and the cost of gas by staying in your neighborhood, and your dog will still have a blast.
9.       Spread the word! Tell people about that great new eco friendly product you found. Show someone at the dog park how great those biodegradable bags work.  If someone hasn’t bought anything made from recycled products in awhile they likely think it is of lesser quality. I remember buying items made from recycled materials years ago and it was rough and weird looking. Now days there are great products that you would never even know they are made from recycled materials if someone didn’t tell you.
10.   Keep it simple. Being green doesn’t have to be difficult, the more you practice it the easier it will come. Just do the best you can and pretty soon it will become a way of life for you and your four legged friend.

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