
Friday, August 5, 2011

Benefits of Bamboo Dog Bowls

Bamboo dog bowls have many benefits. If you are considering what type of bowl you should get your dog, bamboo is definitely a top choice. Renewable, sustainable and biodegradable, what more could you ask for in a dog bowl! When I first heard of bamboo dog bowls I had no idea the benefits of bamboo, turns out it’s a super plant.
Bamboo grows fast and easy, any farmers dream plant. Bamboo doesn’t even need the farmer; it can grow with only the water it receives from natural rainfalls. Bamboo is also super resistant, needing no chemicals to ward off pesky insects. Bamboo also grows amazingly fast, without fertilizers. Bamboo can grow up to 39” per day, making it one of the fastest growing plants in the world.  Now if this was all the benefits of bamboo it would still be pretty amazing but keep reading, it gets even better. Bamboo can actually help reverse global warming! Bamboo absorbs more carbon dioxide and produces more oxygen than a tree of equal size.  
If all the great earth saving benefits of bamboo hasn’t convinced you a bamboo dog bowl is great enough for your dog consider this, bamboo is naturally anti-fungal and anti-microbial. This means it’s resistant to odor retention and mildew.
Bamboo dog bowls are as hard and resistant as any plastic dog bowl. They will last you many years. And when the bowl has served its purpose it will completely break-down in the landfill. You can see the dog bowls we have available here, you will find they look like any ordinary plastic bowl.

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