
Saturday, August 6, 2011

My thoughts on Canine Xchange

I started Canine Xchange because I wanted more eco friendly products that were safe for my dog and our environment. I came up with the resale idea because I figured I wasn't the only one who bought a ton of stuff for my dogs that I didn't even use. Instead of throwing this stuff away or selling it dirt cheap at a garage sale I wondered if there where any resale or consignment shops for dogs. I couldn't find anything close by or online so I thought I would start my own resale dog boutique. Canine Xchange is my idea of an online consignment store for dogs. It's really an awesome idea if you think about it, you get the convenience of buying online and the savings of buying pre-owned items. However, not many pet owners have ever heard of a resale pet shop, much less an online one. So I have to introduce this new idea to dog lovers everywhere and explain what we do and why we do it!
     Buying resale is very Eco friendly. Many items are thrown out when they still have lots of life left in them. We all have bought something for our dog that didn't work out. Toys that were never played with or an outfit that didn't fit. Some pet parents will throw that in at the next garage sale or post it on craigslist, but many more will just eventually throw it out. Some people are just to busy to deal with it and after holding on to it for awhile end up tossing it in the trash. Canine Xchange gives busy dog owners an easy way to keep their items out of landfills and put a little cash back in their wallet.
     Besides selling pre-owned items we also up-cycle, or what I like to call 'Paw-cycle' items, that is when an item is not quite fit for resale we fix it up and make it like new again! Bringing life back in to those old items. This creates one of a kind pieces that are often nicer than the original item. Some items that just can't be saved are re-purposed into something else. Like an old dog sweater that is torn to badly to be repaired can be shredded and used as filling for a dog pillow, or cut in strips and braided to be used as a dog toy. Every item is different and it sometimes takes a lot of creativity but we try to use as much as possible.
In order to offer our customers a wide range of products we also carry new items as well as our resale items. We have found that not everything a dog needs can be found pre-owned, but we are searching all the time to add new eco-friendly products that our dogs will love and benefit from.
Canine Xchange is still a growing baby and I would love to hear your input and thoughts on this.

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